Exciting new Ethical Toy Range at Dandy Lions

Exciting new Ethical Toy Range at Dandy Lions
We are so excited here at Dandy Lions! We have just taken delivery of an amazing range of lovely fairly traded wooden toys from the British company Le Toy Van. These toys are all made in Indonesia and the workers all have a fair wage and good working conditions .Le Toy Van was set up in 1995 with an intention to produce a range of high quality painted wooden toys, initially for the UK market, but later distributed all around the world.
The toys are all designed here in the UK and made from replenishable wood and manufactured at an ICTI approved factory based in Indonesia; the UK based Le Toy Van design and management teams regularly visit to ensure the quality of the product and ethical conditions of the workforce.
Everything about this brand of toys is what we feel strongly about at Dandy Lions, plus the toys are just gorgeous . We have everything from wooden dolls houses , garages, vehicles and lovely little collectable posable wooden characters-the Budkins.
- Jo Watson
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